Friday, April 11, 2008

The Benefits of a Computerized Training Manual

Training manuals are a vital part of workplace documentation, not only for newcomers to the office but for anyone looking to refresh themselves as to policy, protocols and procedures. The problem with training manuals, however, is that they are often bulky and cumbersome, not always easy to lay your hands on, and often haven't been updated in recent history.

In the age of the modern workplace, there is an alternative to bulky, paper-bound training manuals. With many offices implementing shared drives with companywide access, a computerized version of your training manual may be just what you need for your office.

Of course, putting together a computerized training manual takes time and resources, so you'll want to lay out just what the benefits would be for your company.

So just what are some of the benefits of a computerized training manual?

- Easy access. For companies using shared drives, putting your training manual into electronic format and storing it on a shared drive makes for easier accessibility to information. You won't have to worry about someone taking the last (or in some cases, only) copy and having to search high and low to find it. With a computerized training manual, everyone can have access to training materials at any time they need it.

- Searchability. Electronic documents, for the most part, have the benefit of being searchable. For someone who happens to be looking for a single piece of information, a searchable document can be invaluable.

- Updatability. Paper training manuals are often inefficient to update. Updates generally involve updating the document, printing, photocopying, hole-punching, and other notorious time-eaters. Because of this, updates are often overlooked, pushed off for a better time. Computerized training materials can be updated with a few clicks. Information can be added, deleted, or amended very simply, which is ideal for a rapidly changing workplace.

- Cost savings. Avoiding the cost of printing and copying training materials can be a money-saver. Sure, electronic storage space comes at a price, but weighed with the price of paper, ink, and other resources, including payroll, it'll still be cost efficient.

- Everything in one place. In many offices, different people compile different training materials. Often, when it's time for an update, training materials can be scattered over a number of places on your computer and other computers in the office. Keeping a computerized training manual assures you of finding all the pieces in one place.

Computerized training manuals may well be the new standard for companies. Why not bring your workplace up to speed?

This article has been submitted in affiliation with http://www.Facsimile.Com/ which is a site for Fax Machines.

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